Jewelry Point Of Purchase Display

Our Jewelry Display For The Funeral Professional Has Proven Effective With Their Families. Our Specifically Designed Display Will Certainly Increase A Funeral Professionals Sales When Compared To Using Brochures And/Or The Internet To Illustrate A Families Options For Selecting Memorial Jewelry.

Articles On The Effectiveness Of Our Point Of Purchase Display

        1. The US retail jewelry sales market has been on the rise since 2010, according to*

        2. A recent Shopify article points out “…the secret to an engaging and immersive shopping experience is to create a multi-sensory experience, or what’s known as “sensory branding.”*

        3. An article from the Harvard Business Review about Point Of Purchase (POP), “Many consumers wish to do their shopping quickly and efficiently”…Displays “attract consumer attention, facilitate product inspection and selection, allow the access of several shoppers at once, inform and entertain, and stimulate unplanned expenditures.”*

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